giving back

With every line of wood carved and every brayer of ink rolled, I hope that my work brings both joy for and awareness of the beauty, fragility, and importance of the natural world. I am an optimist, but with a deep concern for the planet and desire to create art that celebrates what we need to hold onto, and why.

I approach this in three ways: creating woodcuts inspired by environmental stories, using print sales to directly support environmental and community organizations, and offering public block printing opportunities at community events geared toward fostering environmental stewardship.

Koala fundraiser for Australian wildfires, Jan 2020

Koala fundraiser for Australian wildfires raised over $7000, which was sent to Wildlife Victoria and Kangaroo Island Wildlife Network, Jan 2020. 100% of sales were donated in this special fundraiser, and most of sales were from New Englanders who, like me, were having a hard time imagining a world without koalas.

At the Alewife Festival, my town of Exeter, NH, celebrates the little alewife fish that migrate up the river in droves to spawn, but it’s really a celebration of the river itself, and the life it supports. In 2023, I hosted a block printing booth at the festival where people could print an alewife to collectively create a banner, to be used for years to come.

2023 “Birds” calendar sales raised $440 for the National Audubon Society

A percentage of sales from “Odiorne” are sent to the Seacoast Science Center Marine Mammal Rescue, which responds to reports of all marine mammals in NH and northern MA.

“Bobolink” was made using scrap lino as part of “Canary in a Coal Mine” project through Extraction: Art on the Edge of the Abyss (2021)sales benefitted Mass Audubon Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary and the National Audubon Society.

At the Eastern Old Growth Forest conference in 2023, I hosted an interactive booth wherein conference participants were invited to print an old growth oak tree linocut that I carved. It was wonderful to interact with these passionate participants and listen to speakers talk about the future of our old growth trees.

“Everyone is connected,” The Trevor Project fundraiser, as part of the Printmakers against Racism Fight for Queer + Trans Lives fundraiser. 100% of sales were donated, and we raised $1219! Dec 2022

Sales from “Wild Lawn” benefit the Native Plant Trust, which works to conserve and educate about New England's native plants.

I volunteer for, a local organization that works to stop the climate crisis by building grassroots support. This is one of two graphics I made for their organization in 2023.

Sales of “Herb Garden” are donated to Seed Savers Exchange, which saves tens of thousands of heirloom seeds to protect biodiversity. “Herb Garden,” which showcases some of the plants in my personal herb garden, including species (like plantain and clover) commonly considered weeds.

Participants at both NOFA NH and NOFA VT conferences in 2023 block printed their own posters sharing their values and why they supported organic farming at a booth I hosted along with Katie Goodall Photography, who offered complimentary portraits. Katie and I work together taking photos and making graphics for small businesses under the umbrella Ink + Light Creative.

“Red-winged Blackbird” sales support the Audubon Society’s efforts to conserve birds and their habitat.

“Farm Landscapes of the Seacoast” a 2022 calendar, sales of which benefited Seacoast Eat Local, an organization dedicated to making local food accessible throughout the region. In all, the calendar sales totaled $1372 and the organization also received the images to turn into notecards for future sales.

I’m always looking for organizations to connect with for future projects. If you know of/work with one that would be a good match for my work, let me know!